Microbiology course




For a good learning of Microbiology course, it is important to have easy access to the best Microbiology course at any time. This free application is a dynamic library powered by the best English educational websites specialized in Microbiology course.Courses on the following topics are obviously present in our application.Microbiology course Documents -Microbiology course - History -Classification of microbial life - Characteristics of prokaryotes - Characteristics of eukaryotes - Characteristics of viruses - Microbial physiology -Microbial respiration and fermentation - Microbial energetics and enzymes - Physical growth requirements - Chemical growth requirements - Microbial genetics -Bacterial and viral replication, transcription and translation - Regulation of gene - Genetic mutation and recombination - Biotechnology and genetic engineering - Microbial genetics, mutation and biotechnology - Microbial control -Physical control - Chemical control - Antimicrobial drugs - Disease transmission and control of nosocomial infections - Physical and chemical microbial control - Pathogenicity and epidemiology -Resident and normal flora - Mechanism of pathogenesis - Basic factors of epidemiology - Portals of entry and exit - Vectors, reservoirs and modes of transmission - Nosocomial infections - Epidemiology - Pathogenicity, virulence - Host defenses -Nonspecific resistance - Specific immune resistance - Disorders in immunity - Body defenses, immunology, and hypersensitivity - Microbial diseases -Diseases of the respiratory tract - Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - Diseases of the genitourinary tract - Diseases of the nervous system - Diseases of the skin - Diseases of the blood and lymph - Comparative characteristics of microbial organisms - Interdependence between genes - PDF files -Microbiology course - General Microbiology course - Videos -Microbiology Lectures - Crash Course microbiology Claire Savage - Medical Microbiology - Medical Microbiology Immunology Parasitology Video Lectures Dr. Prodigious